Saturday, February 23, 2013

Presidential Reconstruction Plan vs Congressional Reconstruction Plan

Before Lincoln's sudden death he established a plan for the south to re-join the Union as quickly as possible. This plan was known as the 10 Percent Plan. this plan was a simple two step problem. The first step was for all southerners (except those in a certain social class), would be forgiven if they took the Oath of Allegiances of the United States. The second step was for 10 percent of the voters in the state to take the Oath of Loyalty. When this 10 percent took the oath this then allowed the state to form its own government and re-join the Union. However, many Congress men and northerner felt that the southerners should be punished for their actions. A bill was given to Lincoln which would have gave the people of the north their revenge, but Lincoln never put his signature on that bill.

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