Sunday, February 24, 2013

Georgia back in Union

Georgia is the last state to re-join the Union. Military controls leave the state. Georgia had done all that was needed for the state to be allowed back into the Union. This happened on the date of July 15, 1870.

Freedmen's Bureau

The Freedmen's Bureau was established in March of 1865. This organization was established to help freedmen and poor whites with clothing, food, and other necessities. Their most important focus was to educate those who needed it. Northerners and missionary societies helped by sending money and teachers.

Compromise of 1877

This Compromise ended Reconstruction in the South. The Compromise was to settle the dispute of the Presidential Election in 1876. The democrats were in control of the House of Representatives. This was purpose so that Rutherford B. Hayes could be accepted in the White House. The Compromise stated the removal of all federal troops in southern states. The approval of at least one southern democrat in Hayes's cabinet. Also the addition of a transcendental railroad in the south.

Rise of the Bourbons

After Reconstruction was over, three Democrats (Joseph E. Brown, Alfred H. Colquitt, and John B. Gordon) wanted to give the state back it honors. All of these men wanted closer economic links with the north to help give Georgia's economy more verities. They all also believed in white supremacy. They put their mark in Georgia's traditions and influenced ways for years to come. These three men were known as Bourbons Triumvirate.

The Georgia Act

In December 1869, the Klan's activities had caused many blacks to not vote in the election of the president in 1868. This then caused the Georgia legislator to pass the Georgia Act. The Georgia Act caused military control all over Georgia. This was the third time Georgia was under military control. The Georgia Act also stated that they must ratify the 15th Amendment, which gave all men the right to vote.

Georgia Constitutional Convention of 1867

In 1867 at Milledgeville, there the Georgia Constitution Convention was planned to be held. There were 169 delegates. The number of African American delegates was 36. The location of the convention was changed to Atlanta when the black delegates were denied access into local hotels. This led to Atlanta becoming the new capital of Georgia. The new Constitution that was made included laws such as, free education for children, all citizens were given states rights, and married women could keep control of their own prosperity.

Henry McNeal Turner and other black legislators

For the first time in 1867, blacks were aloud the opportunity to vote. With the new right, I was time for black politicians to come to power. There were 3 African American Senators in Georgia, and 29 House of Representatives in the Georgia Assembly. All of these people were kicked out of their position because; many people believed that they did not have the right to be put in a political office. As during Reconstruction, African American became the largest group of Republicans in the south.